• Proposal of Architectural Seminar, 2017 Green Building and Macau


    The Architectural Seminar is a series of professional and academic activities organized by the Asia-Pacific Urban Institute of Architecture in Macao. It is also a professional continuing education program. The activities are arranged for architects, engineers, other professionals, and related professional students. By inviting experts and scholars from different countries and regions to share their professional experiences and academic achievements in different areas, we can provide diversified ideas and training channels for Macao architects, engineers and professionals. Urban design, architectural heritage preservation, green and smart cities, urban management, underground space utilization and integrated facility planning, urban renewal, and cross-disciplinary coordination with the relevant disciplines in the development of Macao are included. This will bring valuable experience and suggestions from all aspect for the Macao residents to create livable environment.

    The theme of this seminar, Green Building, is to achieve environmental friendliness and resources in the life cycle of the building itself. The production processes will be all included for the effective use of the building, such as site selection, design, construction, operation, maintenance, refurbishment, demolition and other stages. Green buildings are designed to strike a balance between man-made architecture and the natural environment. This requires the design team, architects, engineers, and customers to work closely together at all stages of the project. With the development of economy, the city of Macao has undergone tremendous changes from different aspects. Macao needs green building, and this platform needs to integrate the concept of green building into urban development. Through this seminar, we will strive to provide more experience and sharing for the Macao architectural and construction professionals on this important subject.

    1.0 Main Content

    走進澳門綠色建築 (暫定)

    1.2 Date:

    22th Apr, 2017 (Saturday)

    1.3 Time

    14:30pm – 18:00pm

    1.4 Venue

    University of Saint Joseph

    1.5. CPD hour

    3.5 hrs *
    * The number of CPD hours is subject to the approval of CAEU

    1.6 Topic and Speaker

    1.6.1 Speaker 1

    Speaker Henry Mak
    Introduction to Topic  

    1.6.2 Speaker 2 (TBC)

    Topic Architect and Green Building
    Speaker Choi Tintin
    Registered Architect, Macau
    AAM, Vice President (2003-2009)
    AECSPM, Chairman of the Board
    HKIArb, Member
    CTHAC, Member
    NHCCC, Member
    WACA, Founding Memeber
    WACA-LAAC, Deputy Director
    Language 中文 粵語
    Introduction to Topic Background of Green Building in Macau
    Development status of Green Building in Macau
    Position of Architects in Development of Green Building
    Problems relating to Green building to be Solved by Architects
    Architect’s Practice of Green Building in Macau

    1.7 Fee

    Free :Member of Host / Co-Organiser / Sponsor
    MOP 50 :Non-member
    Free :Full-time Student/Teacher 全職學生、教師免費

    1.8 Deadline for Application

    7th Apr, 2017 (Friday) 


    1.9 Host/Co-Organizer/ Sponsor

    1.9.1 Host

    - APCIA

    1.9.2 Co-Organizer

    - University of Saint Joseph


    Date Time Issues Action
    22/4/2017 14:25~14:30 Speech, Taking Photo Vice President of APCIA, Speakers 
    14:30~16:00 Topic 1 Speaker 1  
    16:00~17:30 Topic 2 Speaker 2  
    17:30~18:00 Q&A Speakers 

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